- 音樂比賽/The 26th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition for Children and Youth, Szafarnia 2018比賽
- 最高獎項: EUR $2000, 總獎金: EUR $7700
- 投稿截止: 2018-03-15 23:59
我們鼓勵所有來自世界各地的音樂學校青年鋼琴家參加今年的比賽。比賽背後的主要思想是發現年輕的有才華的音樂家,在波蘭和國外的青少年中推廣Fryderyk Chopin的音樂以及波蘭文化。
我們鼓勵所有來自世界各地的音樂學校青年鋼琴家參加今年的比賽。比賽背後的主要思想是發現年輕的有才華的音樂家,在波蘭和國外的青少年中推廣Fryderyk Chopin的音樂以及波蘭文化。比賽向6-16歲的參賽者開放,他們將參加三個年齡段的比賽。比賽由評審團評選,由優秀音樂人組成,作為評委會主席的安傑伊·雅西恩斯基(AndrzejJasiński)鋼琴家將競爭金融獎和特別獎。所有與比賽有關的信息將在我們的網站上公佈。
比賽分組 I組:2007年12月31日以後出生 II組:2004年12月31日以後出生 III組:2001年12月31日以後出生 參賽人數:55人 往屆第一名不得再次報名,評委學生不得報名
需要提交的材料 1. 護照首頁掃描件 2. 一張近期肖像照電子版,大於1920x1080 3. 已獲獎項證書的掃描件 4. 比賽曲目 5. 報名費30歐元 6. 個人簡歷 7. 陪同人員護照掃描件 2018年4月6日通知入選選手
比賽規則 1. 組委會安排選手在肖邦中心音樂廳的彩排,具體日期和時間由組委會通知 2. 選手必須在規定演出時間前兩小時到達並註冊 3. 選手按照姓氏字母順序登場,首字母通過抽籤決定 4. 組委會有權改變上場順序 5. 組委會將在音樂學院提供練習琴房 6. 選手負責一切參賽費用 7. 組委會提供比賽當地交通
曲目要求 I組 1. 巴赫-一首自選曲目,如果選擇組曲或者帕蒂塔,必須只演奏一個樂章。如果選擇十二平均律,必須演奏前奏曲和賦格 2. 肖邦-一首自選曲目 3. 一首炫技風格曲目 總時長:不超過12分鐘
II組 1. 巴赫-一首自選曲目,如果選擇組曲或者帕蒂塔,必須只演奏一個樂章。如果選擇十二平均律,必須演奏前奏曲和賦格 2. 肖邦-自選一首瑪祖卡 3. 肖邦-自選一首曲目 4. 一首炫技風格曲目 總時長不超過20分鐘
III組 1. 海頓、莫扎特或者貝多芬-自選一首奏鳴曲的快節奏樂章Allegro 2. 肖邦-瑪祖卡A小調Op.17 No.4(規定曲目) 3. 肖邦-自選一首華爾茲 4. 肖邦-自選一首夜曲 5. 一首炫技作品 總時長不超過35分鐘
獎項 I組 第一名:1500歐元 第二名:1000歐元 第三名:700歐元 II組和III組 第一名:2000歐元 第二名:1500歐元 第三名:1000歐元 現金以波蘭茲羅提支付,需繳納稅款 所有選手收到參賽證書 獲獎者參加獲獎者音樂會
1. The 26th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition for Children and Youth
(henceforth referred to as “Competition”) is organized by the Chopin Centre in Szafarnia,
a cultural institution of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship.
2. The Competition will take place in Szafarnia, Poland from May 17 – 20 2018.
3. The Jury will comprise renowned musicians from Poland and abroad.
4. All Competition rounds will be open to the public and will take place in the Chopin
Centre’s Concert Hall in Szafarnia.
1. The Competition is open to pianist of National Music Schools who will participate in
three age categories:
a) Age Group I – for those born after December 31, 2007.
b) Age Group II – for those born after December 31, 2004.
c) Age Group III – for those born after December 31, 2001.
2. The amount of competitors is limited to 55.
3. Winners of the first prize from previous Competitions may not participate in the current
4. Students of jurors may not participate in the Competition.
1. In order to participate in the Competition a candidate should submit the application that
consists of:
the application form downloaded from the Chopin Centre’s webside
www.szafarnia.art.pl, completed in Polish or English language and personally signed;
a photocopy of the candidate’s passport or birth certificate (translated into Polish or
English language);
one recent portrait photo, vertical, in high resolution (min.1920x1080, 300 dpi,
desirable formats: jpg., tiff., pdf., png.), which will be included in the Competition
photocopies of diplomas of received awards;
a proof of payment of the application fee of 120,00 PLN or 30,00 EURO into the
Chopin Centre’s bank account
Fees should be sent to the following bank: PKO BP II RCK Bydgoszcz IBAN: PL 04
1020 5024 0000 1002 0042 0828
PKO Bank Polski
Swift: BPKOPLPW Recipient:
Ośrodek Chopinowski w Szafarni
Szafarnia 1
87-404 Radomin
Purpose of payment: “Konkurs” and participant’s Name
2. Applications for the Competition should be e-mailed to konkurs@szafarnia.art.pl (in the
email subject: competitor’s first and last name).
3. All documents relating to the participation in the Competition should be completed in
English or Polish language.
4. The application deadline is March 15, 2018. Applications submitted after the deadline
will not be accepted.
5. Submitted documents will not be returned to the participant.
6. Incomplete or unsigned applications will be discarded.
7. After receiving the completed application the Organiser will send an e-mail confirmation
within 5 days. In the event that confirmation is not obtained, it is necessary to contact the
8. The confirmation e-mail does not mean qualifying to the Competition.
9. Individuals who qualify for the Competition will be decided by the Competition
10. After the committee’s reviews of the written applications, candidates will be informed of
their acceptance into the Competition. Further details will be sent via e-mail by April 6,
11. The list of contestants qualified for the Competition will be made public by the
announcement on the Chopin Centre’s webside by April 6, 2018.
12. The Organiser reserves the right to confirm or deny the acceptance to the Competition
without explanation.
13. Candidates who will not qualify for the Competition will be refunded their application fee
less any costs of money transfer.
14. The application fee is not refunded if the applicant fails to show up for Competition
auditions or withdraws the application after April 6, 2018.
15. The decisions of the committee are final and cannot be appealed.
16. The candidate’s submission of Competition application will be tantamount to the
candidate’s acceptance of Rules of the Competition.
1. Participants of the Competition are guaranteed a piano rehearsal in the Chopin Centre
Concert Hall in Szafarnia. Participants will be notified of the date and time of their
rehearsal, performance, and practise schedule along with confirmation of their acceptance
to the Competition.
2. Participants are required to show up to their place of audition no later than two hours
prior to their scheduled audition time and register at the office.
3. Participants in their individual age categories will perform in an alphabetical order
starting from a letter drawn by the Committee.
4. The Organiser reserves the right to change the order of performances.
5. The Organiser will provide practice rooms with pianos for participants in Music Schools
in Toruń (Zespół Szkół Muzycznych, Szosa Chełmińska 224/226) and in Golub-Dobrzyń
(Zespół Szkół Nr 3, Konopnickiej 15).
6. All costs associated with participation in the Competition ie. travel, accommodations,
food are the responsibility of the participant.
7. Competition participants must arrange their accommodations on their own.
8. The Organiser provides a lunch for the participant on the day of the audition in the
Chopin Centre in Szafarnia.
9. The Organizer provides a free transportation from Torun and Golub-Dobrzyń to the
Chopin Centre and back from two arranged locations:
Toruń: Urząd Marszałkowski, Plac Teatralny 2;
Golub-Dobrzyń: Starostwo Powiatowe, Plac 1000-lecia 25;
at an arranged time depending on the time auditions begin.
1. Obligatory Competition Repertoire:
Age Group I:
1. J. S. Bach – One piece of the participant’s choice. *
2. F. Chopin – One piece of the participant’s choice.
3. A piece of a virtuosic style.
* In the case of a Suite or a Partita chosen it is necessary to perform only one movement.
* In the case of Prelude and Fugue chosen from the Das Wohltemperierte Klavier it is necessary to perform both compositions together. The maximum time of performance is 12 minutes.
Age Group II:
1. J. S. Bach – One piece of the participant’s choice *
2. F. Chopin – Mazurka of the participant’s choice.
3. F. Chopin – One piece of the participant’s choice.
4. A piece of a virtuosic style.
* In the case of a Suite or a Partita chosen it is necessary to perform only one movement.
* In the case of Prelude and Fugue chosen from the Das Wohltemperierte Klavier it is necessary to perform both composition together. The maximum time of performance is 20 minutes.
Age Group III:
1. J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart, L. van Beethoven – Allegro sonata of the participant’s
2. F. Chopin – Mazurka in A minor op. 17 no. 4 (obligatory piece).
3. F. Chopin – Waltz of the participant’s choice.
4. F. Chopin – Nocturne of the participant’s choice.
5. One virtuoso piece.
The maximum time of performance is 35 minutes.
2. In the event that a greater number of pieces are proposed in the application form, the
pieces will be chosen at the Organiser’s discretion.
3. The Jury has the right to shorten the participant’s audition if the performance time
exceeds the allotted maximum.
4. All pieces are to be performed from memory.
5. In preparing the Competition programme, all editions of pieces can be used. In case of the
compositions of Fryderyk Chopin, it is suggested to use the National Edition edited by
prof. Jan Ekier. 4
6. It is necessary to perform each piece in the order chosen in the application form.
7. The participant has the right to change the audition programme (including the order of the
audition programme), informing the Organizer until April 7, 2018 by e-mail. Changes
after that date will not be allowed.
1. Monetary prizes:
Age Group I:
st Prize 1500 €
nd Prize 1000 €
rd Prize 700 €
Age Groups II and III:
st Prize 2000 €
nd Prize 1500 €
rd Prize 1000 €
2. Monetary prizes will be paid in PLN, after applicable taxes are subtracted.
3. The value of prizes in PLN will be calculated on the basis of the average exchange rate
for NBP EURO – PLN on the day of 16.11.2017.
4. The Jury have the right to award additional prizes to the participants.
5. All participants will receive diplomas of participation.
6. There is a possibility that the Jury may decide to award more than one distinction in each
age category.
7. The choice of awarding the main prizes, distinctions and additional prizes is made
exlusively by the Jury.
8. The Jury may choose to withdraw from awarding prizes, choose not to award additional
prizes or make different division of prize money.
9. The Jury may choose the best competitor to receive the Grand Prix Award.
10. Decisions made by the Jury are final and cannot be appealed.
1. Jury members are chosen by the Organiser: the Chopin Centre in Szafarnia.
2. The names of the Jury will be published by December 31, 2017.
3. The chairman of the Jury will be prof. Andrzej Jasiński.
4. The Jury will follow the rules set by the Organiser.
5. The participants of the Competition have the right to familiarize themselves with the
Jury’s grading rubric in the Competition Office.
6. The decision of the Jury is final and cannot be changed.
1. The list of laureates will be published alphabetically after the end of each age group’s
2. Laureates of each age group are required to participate in the Prizewinners’ Concert as
well as related functions without additional remuneration.
3. The concert programme is decided by the Jury.
4. The list of laureates will be officially announced to the general public.
5. The official presentation of the winners of main prizes, special prizes and distinctions
will be held at the Prizewinners’ Concert in Szafarnia.
6. The Prizewinners’ Concert, along with the awarding of prizes, will take place May 20,
1. The Organiser reserves the right to use the participant’s image and audio, radio and
television recordings, and images taken during the Competition at a location of the
Organiser’s choosing without additional remuneration for the participant.
2. The Organiser has the right to make decisions, which are final and cannot be appealed.
3. All disagreements with the regulations or programme will disallow the participant from
participating in the Competition.
4. In the case of any disagreements, the deciding text will be Polish language regulations.
5. All additional information is provided by the Chopin Centre in Szafarnia at the following
Ośrodek Chopinowski w Szafarni
Szafarnia 1
87-404 Radomin
Polska – Poland
Polish: 00 48 56 682 79 30, 00 48 784684945
English: 00 48 668 494 325
6. All current information regarding the Competition will be published on the Competition
website at http://www.szafarnia.art.pl/en/konkurs-aktualny/.
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